By now, a Sights on Cities post might seem like an echo of a distant past. Six months since the last entry is an eternity in internet time. Maybe you had forgotten you even subscribed. Or wondered what had happened? Some people very graciously reached out and asked if I was planning to keep going, saying they enjoyed my work and missed it when it stopped. Truth is, I missed it myself.
Sights on Cities went quiet because of events in my wider world, not because I grew tired of it. Quite the opposite – I was very happy with the first few months and grateful to be steadily building an engaged audience. But as can happen to anyone, other, unforeseen things sometimes crash across the highway of your life. In this case it was a frightening and unpredictable health situation for a close family member, which unfolded chaotically over many months.
Thankfully that is now resolved, and things are looking much more positive. It took a lot of out of all of us. It also took a lot of time and energy, which meant certain things just had to go. Sights on Cities was one of those things. Not only did I not have time for it, I had no mental bandwidth. I tried a few times, but I was just too burned out.
Patience had to be my greatest strength for a very long time. I learned to cultivate it (not easy), to stop worrying about linear time, and to actively wait. Burn out is real, make no mistake. I knew it would take time and patience to re-energise enough to want to think and write and create again. I got there though, and I am more than excited to confirm the return of Sights on Cities.
New content will start being posted in early-2024. I am actively thinking about new and interesting topics. Please share any ideas or interests you might have in the comments. I’m also hoping to get some guest writers to contribute.
I’m really looking forward to what the future holds for Sights on Cities. I sincerely thank you all for reading, supporting, and sticking with the site. Here’s to a truly great 2024!
Good to hear! Your articles are always worth reading. Please keep up the good work.
Looking forward to hearing more from you .. Glad to hear you have some space again for creativity and sharing of thoughts..