Excellent commentary and advice!

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For me, the most glaring issue with EVs is that they couple our mobility system to the electricity grid. Currently, these two systems effectively run in parallel, without much crossover effect. Peak demand in electricity doesn't affect our ability to fill up our petrol & diesel tanks - and vice versa. EVs change that, meaning that any of the constraints on the electricity grid from peak demand (e.g hot summer weekday afternoons & evenings) will be exacerbated by additional demand for mobility charging. California is a test case for this, where they've been requesting people to not charge their vehicles as certain times because of the additional load it places on the grid that's already experiencing high stress from other sources of demand. Liquid fuels, able to be stored cheaply & tanks filled quickly, allow for a much 'smoother' mobility system, as it isn't subject to these real-time demand & supply constraints that electricity is.

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Another excellent point!

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And there was me...thinking about buying an Electric car! Thought-provoking article!

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You still can, you're just a wiser consumer now!

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